Is there unemployment in Andorra? All about employment and unemployment

Is there unemployment in Andorra? All about employment and unemployment

In the heart of the Pyrenees, Andorra not only stands out for its natural beauty and tourist attraction, but also for its economic and labor dynamics. In other articles we already talked about the little public debt that the country has and the economic growth experienced. The Labor Force Survey for the 2nd quarter of 2023,… Read more

Andorra Economic Forum: absolute success in the event of the year

Andorra Economic Forum: absolute success in the event of the year

On September 30, 2023, the Andorra Economic Forum was held. An international event on economics, entrepreneurship and innovation that seeks to bring together, in this case in Andorra, the most prominent economists, managers, entrepreneurs and innovators in the Hispanic world in the same place with the aim of sharing training, experiences, knowledge, common goals … Read more

Economic growth in Andorra: GDP rate

Economic growth in Andorra: rate and GDP

Economic growth in Andorra has finally been 8.8% in 2022, thus confirming the economic recovery after the covid pandemic. In a previous article we already explained that the IMF revised upward the growth forecasts for the Principality in 2022. At that time, the IMF estimated that Andorra would grow in 2022 by... Read more

The IMF revises Andorra's economic growth upwards in 2022

The IMF revises Andorra's economic growth upwards in 2022

According to the IMF, of which Andorra has been a member since 2020, Andorra will be the second country in Europe with the highest growth in 2022. This was concluded in its latest report, where economic indicators and markers of each country are reviewed and prospects are carried out for the future close according to the current trends of those markers. So … Read more

CPI and inflation in Andorra: rate, graphs and index

Inflation in Andorra: rate, graphs and index

Inflation in Andorra is no exception. Since mid-2021, the CPI and prices around the world and especially in Europe and the United States began to skyrocket uncontrollably and continuously. First they told us that it was temporary, then that it was due to bottlenecks, also that it was due… Read more

CBD in Andorra: flowers and other products with cannabis

Cannabis in Andorra: CBD and marijuana crops

Why is Andorra filling up with CBD shops? Is Andorra a country hostile to the cannabis industry? Are CBD flowers allowed? What is Andorra's position on marijuana? In this article we will try to answer these questions. What is CBD? Cannabidiol or CBD is one of the… Read more

Digitization in Andorra: less bureaucracy?

Digitization in Andorra: less bureaucracy?

The so-called digitization in Andorra has always been a priority. It's been a long time since we told here about the transformation that the Principality has carried out since the last decade. We explained that the current modern Andorra is really less than 30 years old since it was born with its 1993 Constitution and that the crises point … Read more

Andorra and the European Union: relations and agreements

Andorra and the European Union: relations and agreements

Relations between Andorra and the European Union are somewhat love-hate. On the one hand, the Principality yearns for its large international market and its facilities in the mobility of capital, merchandise and people. Also its financial institutions and its ability to finance itself and its single currency. However, on the other hand he rejects his huge… Read more

Public debt in Andorra: economic solvency

Andorran public debt: economic solvency

Although in Spain public debt is often referred to as a structural problem, in Andorra it is a milder problem and, furthermore, its expectations for the future are to improve a lot. Although Andorran politicians, like any other in the profession, like to spend taxpayer money ... Read more