Andorra and the European Union: relations and agreements

Andorra and the European Union: relations and agreements

Relations between Andorra and the European Union are somewhat love-hate. On the one hand, the Principality yearns for its large international market and its facilities in the mobility of capital, merchandise and people. Also its financial institutions and its ability to finance itself and its single currency. However, on the other hand he rejects his huge… Read more

Is Andorra a country? Who does it belong to?

Who does Andorra belong to? Spain or France?

Many people wonder what Andorra is: if it is a country or not and if it belongs to someone or some other country. That is why in this article we have proposed to answer this issue breaking it down into small basic questions. At the time we already discussed where Andorra is or where it is and how to get to the country, like this... Read more