Andorra, country without crime or delinquency

Andorra, country without crime or delinquency

As we saw in the article on the history of Andorra, the Principality has traditionally been an example of peace and warlike neutrality. Since the signing of the «Pariatges» and especially since the creation of the Earth Council in 1419, one of the oldest parliaments in the world, Andorra has lived in complete & # 8230; Read more

Cost of living in Andorra in 2024

Cost of living in Andorra

One of the questions a person often asks when deciding to settle, settle, move or reside in another country is how much does it cost to live there or what is the cost of living. When considering whether to live in Andorra, this question becomes even more important due to the peculiarities of this destination country. A & # 8230; Read more

How much does it cost to live in Andorra?

How much does it cost to live in Andorra?

In this article we will address the question of how much it costs to live in Andorra, but based on official data: using the report "Estudi sobre el cost de la vida a Andorra" from 2018, the first study on the cost of living in the country prepared by the Department of Statistics of the Andorran Government. Is about … Read more

10 unknown things about Andorra

10 unknown things about Andorra

By naming someone the Andorra place-name one of these three things or a combination of them will quickly come to mind: skiing, tax haven and cheap shopping. While this simple three-word description doesn't stray too far from reality, this little Principality embedded in the middle of the Pyrenees between & # 8230; Read more

Andorra in figures in 2018

Andorra in figures 2018, the latest report

In this article we are going to analyze the Andorran society and economy statistically. To do this, we will use the report called Andorra en Xifres (Andorra in figures) that is published each year by the Andorran Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services and which collects the main indicators and socioeconomic data from Andorra. Specifically the 2018 version, which & # 8230; Read more