Cost of living in Andorra in 2024

One of the questions that a person usually asks when deciding to settle, settle, move or reside in another country is how much does it cost to live there or what is your cost of living. When thinking if live in AndorraThis question is even more important due to the peculiarities of this destination country. Despite having tremendously attractive taxationIt would be of little use if you could not buy products at an affordable price.

Although we have already concluded in another article what The minimum cost of living necessary for a minimum acceptable life in Andorra in 2018 was about €1,200 per month For a single person (€14,000 annually), this amount is currently too low. In that same article we mentioned that the largest item in the budget of people and households is renting housing, and this has skyrocketed greatly in the last six years. However, we do not have data from a more recent similar study, the only one was 2018.

During the last four years, due to the inflation that Andorra has also suffered and the rent increase, the minimum cost of living has probably increased towards €1,800-2,000 per month (about €22,000-24,000 per year). We are talking, of course, about the minimum expenses so that a single person can lead a decent life. This is due to increase in house prices, which is scarce, and is around €1,000-€1,200 for one-room apartments.

It is equally important to list the usual cost of a series of basic goods and services of the Principality. That will be the purpose of this article. Before starting, we must bear in mind that Andorra is, essentially, a commercial and tourist country. With Andorra being famous in the past for skiing and shopping for tobacco and alcohol (today it is much more than that) and currently for tourism and shopping in general, it seems quite obvious that prices are generally lower than in neighboring countries. If they weren't, there would be no point in shopping. However, certain types of products are priced lower than others. That is to say, the cost of living is not homogeneous.

restoration price

The cost of the Principality's restaurants is like in all other countries: there is variety and it depends on the place and type of services you choose. Even so, we have prepared a table with the most standardized consumer prices.

Menu, food in cheap restaurant15€
Menu, food in average restaurant20-25€
Fast food menu, pizza8-10€
Lunch / dinner in expensive restaurant50-85€
Local beer (0.5 liters)2,5€
Imported beer (0.33 liters)3,5€
Coffee, cappuccino, etc.1,5-2€
Soft drink (0.33 liters)2,5€
Water (0.33 liters-0.5 liters)1,5-2€
Cost of living for restaurants in Andorra

Supermarket, consumer basket

The cost of the food basket when living in Andorra is usually more or less the same as in Spain, because the VAT on basic products is small and there is not much difference between one country and another. Furthermore, Andorra generally imports these products from Spain and France, with which it is quite plausible that the cost of living is similar in terms of food basket.

Cost of living and consumption basket in Andorra
Milk (skimmed, semi or whole)1-1,5€
Loaf of bread~1€
White rice (1 kg)~2€
Cheese (1kg)20-25€
Veal meat (1 kg)20€
Chicken breast (1 kg)10€
Apples (1 kg)~2,5€
Bananas (1 kg)~2,5€
Oranges (1kg)~2€
Potatoes (1 kg)~2€
Tomatoes (1 kg)2,5-4€
Onions (1 kg)1-1,5€
Lettuce piece1-2€
Water (1.5 liters)0,7-1€
Dozen type 3 eggs2-3€
Yogurt (12 units)~2€
Cost of the consumer basket in Andorra

Also, if you are going to make a very large purchase, there is the possibility of going down to the first town in Spain after the Andorran border, La Seu d'Urgell, and buy at the Mercadona located in said urbanization and ask for the DIVA digital certificate to do a "tax free", and then at the border digitally seal said certificate. Thus, you can buy VAT-free in a supermarket as affordable as Mercadona and at the same time reduce the cost of living in Andorra. You can go in your own vehicle and, failing that, there is a bus that takes you to La Seu.

Thus, we can conclude that a common food basket for a person who makes all meals at home contributes to the cost of living in approximately €300 per month, also according to the food preferences of each one.

Tobacco and alcohol

Tobacco and alcohol have in Andorra a considerably lower cost than in neighboring countriesBecause they usually load these products with taxes, fees and premiums that reach between 60% and 80% of the final amount of the product.

Tobacco and alcohol in Andorra, express duty free and the cheap cost of living
Tobacco and alcohol duty free in Andorra
Beer (1 liter)1-1,7€
Beer (0.33 liters)~0,5€
Soft drinks (0.33 liters~0,5€
Medium quality bottle of wine5-7€
Pack of 20 cigarettes4 – €4.5
Whole carton of cigarettes~40€
Jaggermeister (1 liter)~10€
Anise (0.7 liters)~8€
Absolut Vodka (1.75 liters)17-20€
GIN Bombay Sapphire (1 liter)14-16€
William Lawson (1 liter)~8€
Eristoff vodka (1 liter)~8€
Ballantines (1 liter)~13€
GIN Beefeater (1 liter)12-14€
Aged Brugal rum (1 liter)14-18€
Aged Barceló Rum (1 liter)14-18€
Cutty Shark Whiskey (1 liter)12-14€
Whiskey Peche Yachting (0.7 liters)~8€
Average tobacco and alcohol prices in Andorra

Gasoline price in Andorra

In general, transport does not represent a large amount in the cost of living of the Principality. Gasoline and diesel they are very affordable in Andorra compared to Spain and France despite the rise in the price of gasoline. However, the price varies according to the price of the crude oil itself. You can see a recent update here. Cars, in general, are also usually cheaper than in neighboring countries. The Andorran bus is a little expensive.

However, for Andorran residents bus tickets are currently free.

bus ticket for Andorran residentsFREE with specific card
Urban bus ticket1,9€
Urban bus pass for 40 trips42,6€
Taxi at the exit2,5-3€
Taxi price per km1,5-2€
Taxi price per hour of waiting~5€
Diesel or diesel (1 liter)1,3-1,5€
Diesel or premium diesel (1 liter)1,6-1,8€
Gasoline SP 95 octane (1 liter) 1,4-1,5€
Gasoline SP 98 octane (1 liter)1,6-1,8€
Rent a car (1 day)~10-15€
Transport cost in Andorra

Household services and expenses

One of the items with the highest cost of living in Andorra is the rental of housing. Although rents in cities like Madrid or Barcelona are even higher than in Andorra, it is a crazy price. Of course, despite the cost, homes and dwellings are usually very well treated and well renovated, so although it is difficult to find affordable housing, the houses for rent are of excellent quality.

You can read in more depth about the price of apartments in Andorra to buy, as well as the average rent and other interesting information in this link. The rent has skyrocketed in a way never seen in recent years due to the fact that there are almost no homes to rent. This is because many people have come to reside in the Principality, the strangulation of supply and abusive regulations.

Medium studio / one bedroom (45 m2) rental~1.000€
Well located studio / one bedroom apartment (45 m2) for rent1.000-1.500€
Rent a three-bedroom flat (85-90 m2)1.500-2.200€
Rent a three-bedroom apartment high (100-120 m2)2.000-3.000€
Electricity, water and gas for a person in an inefficient home100-200€
Electricity, water and gas for a person in efficient housing or access to a thermal50-100€
Internet up to 300 Mbps symmetric + landline25€
Internet up to 700 Mbps symmetric + landline35€
High capacity internet up to 1 GB symmetrical (business only)42€
Housekeeping Service Hour20€
Liquid detergent (3 liters)7-8€
Cost of living and household expenses in Andorra

In addition, there are a few points to note:

  • We have put the most frequent prices and characteristics in Andorra. However, there are homes with a rental cost of 3,000, 4,000, 5,000 or more euros per month, which are luxury houses in the mountains. They also change prices by location etc. Depending on your case, one type of housing or another will be better for you.
  • The cost of the electricity and gas, despite being one of the lowest in Europe, depends on the technology installed in the home, as well as free access to the thermal water of Escaldes (since this way you don't pay neither for heating water nor for heating).
  • On mobile telephony, the base rate is € 30 per month, although mobile phones can be added to the Internet rate at home, greatly reducing the cost. There is also internet for home per season, prepaid cards and others. You can see it all in the page of the only telecommunications company in Andorra, Andorra Telecom. It is important to remember that there is NO ROAMING IN ANDORRA, so neither the data nor the calls from Spain are useful. Be especially careful if you use a foreign card.

Clothes and shoes

In general, clothing and footwear are usually considerably cheaper than in Spainnot to mention already in France. In fact, the multinational stores such as Pull & amp; Bear, Zara, h & amp; m, Stradivarius, etc. They put on their label the price of the same garment in Spain and the price in Andorra, to encourage the customer to buy there because it is cheaper. All garments have a price between 5% and 10% lower without counting offers, which make it even cheaper. This is due to the cost of indirect taxes that brands are saved.

Pair of designer jeans~70€
Women's summer dress25-30€
Pair of brand sneakers60-70€
Pair of men's suit shoes90-100€
Prices of clothing and footwear in Andorra

Hygiene and health

If we have previously mentioned rent as one of the things that most influences the cost of living in Andorra, medicines and in general health spending are the opposite. That is why in the Principality there are many pharmacies: because they are profitable. We already have in another article how the laudable Andorran health system works, ranked as the best in the world according to many rankings. But it is also that, without taking into account the Social Security subsidy, the cost of previous health is very affordable, and that of hygiene more or less the same, although to a lesser extent.

Cold medicine (6 days, frenadol or similar)6-8€
Ibuprofen or similar, 20 doses~7€
Box of 12 basic antibiotics6-7€
Efferalgan 16 doses4€
Visit to doctor or basic specialist25-35€
Box of 32 tampons~4€
Deodorant (200 mL)3-4€
Toilet paper (6 rolls)2-3€
Tube of toothpaste~2€
Basic haircut in hairdressing salon15-20€

Sport and entertainment

The prices of leisure and entertainment, as well as sports, are similar to those in Spain. In sports there is quite a variety and it depends on where you go, you will find some prices or others. Depending on one's preferences, one has a cost of living or another.

Cinema ticket, normal rate7€
Theater ticket25€
Drinks in discos and pubs7-15€
Beers in clubs and pubs3-5€
Monthly subscription to gym and others30-120€
Rent an hour tennis court, etc.15-20€


Electronics, from household appliances to mobile phones and tablets to smart TVs and computers and other hi-tech products have been and continue to be one of the top sellers in Andorra. This is because these products usually have a price quite lowered in the Principality compared to surrounding countries from which its tourism comes, being the price differential between 10% up to a 40% on some specific devices. Therefore, electronics does not place a great burden on the cost of living compared to the surrounding countries.

Also, items that are not allowed in other CEC countries (such as tasers, extendable batons, pepper sprays and car antirradares) they are for sale legally and freely in Andorra, at many points of sale along the famous "shopping street".

On home appliances, you can compare prices for example in Andorra Free Market in Andorra la Vella, a company in charge of distributing, installing and maintaining household appliances, among other things. You will find that the vast majority if not all are reduced in price compared to other platforms, with some discounts being more than relevant.

As for devices such as mobile phones and tablets and everything in general, you can take a look at Andorra 2000, also in Andorra la Vella. A supermarket that is much more than a supermarket, and with very attractive prices. Anyway, if the amount of the technological product is very large, surely what interests you most is buying it from Amazon or another e-commerce platform that is willing to do the tax free or, even better, to sell you the product without VAT. So, the product will have a 21% discount. In the future we will write an article about shopping in Andorra.

In conclusion

So for a single person who rents home alone, the cost of living in Andorra monthly would be approximately the following:

Rent + floor and connection costs1.150€
Food and hygiene~350€
Leisure, health, clothing and footwear, electronics, contingencies, etc.250€

Thus resulting in a budget of around €1,800.. However, by sharing a home the cost of living is reduced a little, since the rent is lower (~€600).

Finally we remember that in Abast we provide the necessary services to settle in Andorra, either with a business or simply as a natural person. We offer professional tax, legal and accounting services to solve your particular case in the way that best suits you and process only what is necessary, such as helping you with things such as finding a home, support for the compliance bank, and guide you in the day to day of the country.

We know Andorra and how it works like the back of our hands and we are experts both nationally and internationally. You can contact us here, and can also read the main advantages of the Principality of Andorra here, as well as other of our articles.

30 thoughts on “Coste de vida en Andorra en 2024”

  1. merci pour votre aide de m'avoir well informed sur la vie en andorre.sinon je thought well that d'ici au mois de juillet, je serai dans cette merveilleuse principaluté that les gens n'ont pas encore découvert, et je ne manquerai pas à solliciter votre service.merci

  2. Bonjour
    J'ai beaucoup apprécí toutes les informations diffusées dans ces articles. Je suis retraite francais depuis 2 ans et souhaite come m'installer in Andorra dans 3 ou 4 ans de façon définitive. You will see 10 days of holidays in September to reveal the principality in early days. Je retiens votre site car j'aurai besoin de conseils dans le cadre de mon expatriation. Encore merci.

  3. I would like to know how is the labor issue in andorra ??? it is very difficult to acquire jobs for foreigners. What types of jobs can be chosen? what are the possibilities for professionals? I would like you to talk a little more about work.

  4. I recommend living in Andorra if your profession allows it. Here it is difficult for those linked to the industrial sector to live, since there is very little industry. The services sector is highly recommended and for those who are less paid as waiters or similar, I recommend living in la Seu de Urgell where prices are more affordable and they can travel to the country to work.
    For example, I am a customs lawyer and I work in the union as a whole. Living here is the best decision I have ever made. Clean and safe streets, idyllic natural surroundings, connection to El Prat airport in 2:30 hours. Toulouse at 2:30. The internet connection allows me to do my work, I have never suffered connection cuts or anything like that, so when I work from home I do it without a problem.

    • Josep, I am a lawyer in Argentina, but things are not going very well here. I really like the mountains and the tranquility, but I don't want to go to work as a slave, I would like to be able to work in something related to what I studied. Do you think there is any possibility of that? sorry for the inconvenience

  5. Hellooo…. thanks for the info.
    I would like to know if it is easy to access permanent rentals? A cheap rental to start. I am organizing a trip (we are 3 people, my mother and son of years).

    • Hello Maria Belén, thank you very much for commenting.

      If you are referring to the indefinite leases, which last 5 years in Andorra, it is obviously impossible for tourists since the tenants are required to be Andorran residents (or that they are applying to be). If they come as tourists on a trip, they will have to look for tourist lodging.

  6. Hello there
    Very interesting article. To look for temporary rent from December to March, are there possibilities? How much should I calculate? I go as a ski instructor. Thank you

  7. Hello, residency requirements. I am very interested in this country and the tranquility it offers, now in Peru there are many conflicts. I am a bartender and I would also like to know if it is a career that allows me to live there, thanks

    • Hello Máximo, thank you very much for commenting.

      The truth is that (in principle) there is no maximum age to work. In Andorra you can in fact combine a retirement status by collecting a benefit for it when you turn over 65 years of age and at the same time continue working as an active worker. The difference is that you stop contributing and accumulating points in social security in the retirement branch.

  8. Yes, Andorra is a very beautiful and quiet country, but not all that glitters is gold, the base salaries are €1,200 and something more, most of the apartments exceed the base salary, and now the subject of the flats, many temporary and non-temporary rent a room, they usually pay €300 or €500, even sofas and seen what they rent.
    To see the offers Look at the page of servei ɗ occupation ofertes, ahimsa usually put job offers.

    • Hello Natsumi,

      Effectively, that's right. Andorra has its problems, although in my opinion the advantages far outweigh these problems. I don't know about renting sofas, but it is obviously true that it is best to share a flat as the rentals are currently. Or alternatively, many temporary stay permanently in a cheap hostel.

  9. Greetings José, your article is very good, in general terms the country looks very tempting, for my part I would like to know how the construction sector is, I am a civil engineer with experience, if there is currently a demand for professionals in the construction sector.
    thank you ..

    • Hello Douglas, thank you very much for your comment.

      The construction sector is at a very high level, since there are many works. However, establishing yourself in Andorra in this sector is complicated and difficult. It is more of a sector for residents, although you can send your resume to some companies and see if you have any luck...


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Cost of living in Andorra
Jose Sanchis, Abast Technology and Systems Specialist, Andorra Insiders
Jose Sanchis

ABAST Technology and Systems Specialist


Andorra Insiders is an information platform about Andorra managed by ABAST, an Andorran professional consultancy firm for legal, tax and accounting services specialized in establishing people and businesses in the Principality of Andorra. More information here.

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