Medical insurance in Andorra: health coverage

Complementary and health medical insurance in Andorra

In previous articles we explained the operation of the Andorran social security or Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social (CASS), as well as the health system in Andorra, where we explained that it is a co-payment system where the CASS takes care of most of the the costs (66%, 75%, 90% or 100%) while … Read more

Health in Andorra in 2024: how does it work?

Health in Andorra explained in detail, the Andorran health system, the saas and the CASS

Health in Andorra is public-private and works through a parapublicly managed health system (Andorran Health Care Service, SAAS) with regulated agreements and financing subsidized by social security through co-payment. The Andorran healthcare system is such a competent and efficient system that it has earned it being considered the best… Read more